Integrity Course
This six part online course will cover the life cycle of sexual brokenness and how to heal in order to better your life.
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0 of 6 lessons completed
1 hour and 29 minutes left
Understanding Shame
15 minutes
Neurochemistry & Sexual Integrity
20 minutes
The Addiction Cycle
15 minutes
Intimacy | Acting In vs Acting Out
15 minutes
How to Build True Intimacy
16 minutes
Addiction Recovery = Character Growth
8 minutes
Behind The Teaching
Jason and Jim have a behind the scenes conversation about each teaching and how it applies to their lives. This is meant to be watch in partnership with the Online Course.
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0 of 7 lessons completed
1 hour and 3 minutes left
Episode 1 - Introduction
5 minutes
Episode 2 - Conversation about Shame
15 minutes
Episode 3 - Why we act out
8 minutes
Episode 4 - Addiction Cycle
6 minutes
Episode 5 - Why do we avoid Intimacy
10 minutes
Episode 6 - Building Intimacy
7 minutes
Episode 7 - What life can look like
12 minutes