Transform Your Life

Become Reliable

Welcome to Herd 90

Are You Tired of Making Excuses?

You've set goals before-only to fall short and justify why you couldn't follow through.

You might tell yourself it's because you're too busy, or that circumstances made it impossible. But deep down, you know these are just excuses.

Year after year, you're left feeling stuck, disappointed, and disconnected from the man you want to be. It's time to face the facts and break the cycle.


We've Been There. We Know the Struggle

One of the goals of the Herd is for men to develop all the parts of their life. Jesus identified these as heart, soul, mind and strength. 

Every task in Herd 90 is assigned to one of these quadrants, although they might fit in multiple quadrants because they are all connected, overlap, and influence the others. 

By developing all quadrants rather than concentrating on just one and missing how it affects the others, this program gives you a holistic approach to transforming your entire life instead of just getting in better shape. 

Participating in Herd 90 will help you grow spiritually, become more mentally tough, achieve physical goals, and become more emotionally aware.

Don’t Cheat Yourself. 

 Integrity is doing what you said that you were going to do.  No one will know if you cheat…but, aren’t you tired of having that be the secret theme of your life.  Make a choice, and then, let your yes be yes and your no be no.


If 90 days is too much, start with 60. Or if you want the ultimate challenge for 110 Days. The principal is the same...make a commitment to yourself, and stick to it even when it's hard and uncomfortable. 


Daily Requirements


  1. Read Your Bible
    • ​​We have multiple reading plan's depending on which challenge you choose but the general guideline is reading at least on chapter every day. 
  2. Pray
    • Daily intentional prayer is a game changer. Intentional means it's not just a rambling mind dump of 50 different thoughts crossing your mind.
      Nothing is wrong with that, but when we get intentional, we have to slow down and articulate our thoughts and words like regular conversations. If this is new for you, Here's A Prayer Strategy We Use.
      Pro-tip #1: This task can be combined with others, like working out. 
  3. Journal
    • ​​​Most guys struggle with this because we're always busy. It's essential to learn the discipline to stop and actually feel our emotions, then say them out loud...or, in this case, write them down.
      A simple way to do this is by using the check-in system. Identify which of the six emotions you're feeling the most (Sad, Happy, Excited, Angry, Scared, Tender) and add some context to why you are feeling that way.
      ​This is also a great time to record what you are learning from the reading plans.
  4. Act of Kindness
    • ​​This is an intentional act of service or kindness. This is not looking back over your day and trying to remember if you did anything nice today.  No. It might be simply unloading the dishwasher even though it's not your turn, or it might be giving someone a compliment or word of encouragement. Pro-tip #2: it doesn't count if you tell someone you are serving them or being nice due to your assignment. Jesus says, do it in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
  5. Fast from a Habit 
    • ​​Habits are linked to dopamine rushes in our brains. While it feels like a physical want or need, It's your brain demanding to have what it's used to. The only way to keep destructive habits out of your life is to go on a total tolerance. Your brain will rewire itself, but it will take weeks to do so. This is not a matter of "don't do bad things"; this is intentionally replacing the bad things with better choices. This is the one task where an accountability partner can be helpful to talk you off the cliff when your brain or body starts screaming for what it's used to. 
  6. No Alcohol, Tobacco, or Weed
    • ​​If these don't apply to you, great! You got this one covered, but I would challenge you to see if there's something else in your life to sacrifice for this 90 day period as a substitute for this step. Maybe it's fast food, limiting social media, stop watching porn, or watching less TV. The goal is to try and eliminate anything we might be using as an escape. 
  7. Drink one gallon of water
    • ​​Okay, please be smart with this one. We had a guy end up in the hospital last year because a gallon was too much for his body type. The goal here is to flush, wash, cleanse, and hydrate, not hospitalize. 
  8. Two 45 minute workouts, one needs to be outdoors.
    • ​​Paul repeatedly disciplines his physical body so that it works for him (he controls it) rather than his life being dictated by physical desires, habits, drives, and "needs.” Your body is the delivery system that you will play out the other three quadrants. Physical gets out of bed and gets done what needs to get done. The idea that you can separate out your spiritual life and what you do to and with your body is a lie...they are connected.
  9. Take a daily picture to record your progress
    • ​​There's no difference from day one to day two. But from day one to day 30…progress. Do it. Don't skip it. Face yourself every day. Take the pic and don't compare for at least a week. Day 1 and Day 110… life-changing because your life changed. You won't know which day it changed…but slowly, day by day…you didn't quit; you kept your word. You let your yes be yes, and now, you see what a life of integrity looks like.  

Step 1: Pick Your Version

You can start Herd 90 at any point throughout the year, but we went ahead and included some suggested start dates that will all end on Easter 2025. 

60 Day

Start Date 2/20/25

Read Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians in 60 days.

90 Day

Start Date 1/21/25

Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in 90 days.

110 Day

Start Date 1/1/25

Read the entire New Testament in 110 days.

Step 2: Join The Group

You will need a membership in order to join the group (don't worry it's free) so if you haven't set one up yet, you can do so HERE.

If you're a guy select "The Herd" and if you're a girl select "Herd for Her"

Men's Group 

You must be logged in to join this group. If you do not currently have a membership to Herd for Herd, create a log-in by clicking the button above. 

Women's Group

You must be logged in to join this group. If you do not currently have a membership to Herd for Herd, create a log-in by clicking the button above. 

Step 3: Get Started 

All you have to do now is take that first step. You can do this!

Don't forget to share your progress in the group pages and if you post anything on social media tag us

Set disciplines every day for 90 days.

If you're looking for a life change, here it is.​

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash


Do I have to start over even if I accidentally skip one daily requirement? 

The idea is 90 consistent days of transformation. That said, don't let one failure keep you from moving forward with integrity. Only you can decide how you execute this, but the point is building resilience, dedication and self-discipline.

Can I modify any of the requirements?

In the past our answer for this has been no because this program is set up to be able to be accomplished by anyone... and we still encourage you to try and complete the program as is. With that in mind, a modified program is better than no program at all. 

How do you find time for two workouts a day?

Most of us will have to make time instead of finding it. That might mean waking up an hour earlier, sacrificing a lunch break, or going on a walk after the kids go to bed...or better yet, take the entire family on a walk with you.

Is this safe to do if I don't work out?

​Absolutely, the workouts don't have to be lifting weights at the gym. Just intentionally move for 45 minutes. Get your heart rate going, break a sweat, and move your body.

I'm currently on a specific diet, can I still do Herd 90?

You bet. The only dietary restrictions are no cheat meals and no alcohol, the rest is up to you. It could be as simple as giving up fast food for 90 days. Regardless of what diet you choose, make sure it's trackable and sustainable. For example, "eat less sugar" is not a trackable diet, instead try something like "eat less than 20 grams of sugar a day".